Black Canon by MarkMont

Black Canon
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Markmont - Pocket Throw With The Playability Of A Fullsize Throw!

$ 89.99

From: Mark Montgomery

In a distant instance of the future, exist the Black Canon; a single source of truth asset, containing the universes most objectively valuable information, past down through ‘many’ generations and various galaxies. Through years of planning, and an intention of securing the well being of life’s most priceless knowledge adds, and generational gumption, Will and I have ‘procured’ this source 😂👌🏿

The original design we drafted saw the height of the Black Canon matching the Markmont. Classic, but with time to think as refine landed us at a reduced height for stronger in-play tech stability, and better catch zone butterfly ratio. If you are looking for a pocket jammer with the power of a fullsize, then this is certainly the model for you.    


Black Canon by MarkMont
Black Canon by MarkMont

Black Canon Specifications:
Free Gift

Diameter: 53.3 mm / 2.10 inches
Width: 28 mm / 1.10 inches
Gap Width: 4.32 mm / 0.17 inches
Weight: 55.00 grams
Bearing Size: Size C (.250 x .500 x .187)
Response: "Slim Pad" Size 19mm OD
Material: 6061 Aluminum
Designed in: USA
Made in: USA

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