magicyoyo crystal yoyo

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MagicYoYo - Unresponsive plastic design!

$ 12.99

The CRYSTAL was created as a cost effective high-performance injection molded yoyo that could stand up to modern trends. Cost effective and high performance are two things that don't always go hand in hand, but MagicYoYo really got this one right!

The Crystal is a full sized plastic design that features a strong h-shape profile with chunky rims that provide ample spin power and stability. It holds spin through long combos and has a great presence on the string with plenty of maneuverabillity. It even has a fingerspin cup! A durable build at such an affordable price, the Crystal feels just right as an every day throw, entry level unresponsive, or your new competition model for the stage!

magicyoyo crystal yoyo

Crystal Specifications:
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Diameter: 55.5 mm / 2.19 inches
Width: 43.00 mm / 1.69 inches
Gap Width: 2.75 mm / 0.11 inches
Weight: 65.00 grams
Bearing Size: Slim Bearing
Response: "Slim Pad" Size 19mm OD
Material: Polycarbonate
Designed in: China
Made in: China
Released: August 2022

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