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YoYoFactory - Ultimate Offstring YoYo by Pisco Ouyang

$ 19.99

In 2020 YoYoFactory set out to identify Wing Commanders for their new 'FLIGHT CLUB' with the goal of finding talented off string players who supported their desire to spread the 4A competitive style and off string yo-yo play. They found talent far and wide and they found so much more. In China they connected with Pisco Ouyang. Pisco is a competitor, innovator, designer and 4a master. He had been producing his own yo-yos under the G-MIX label. As Pisco fans for a while YoYoFactory was approached with the idea of putting one of his designs in a broader market and they LOVED the idea. With a lot of experience off string design they straight away new this design had MAGIC!

Introducing the SKY DANCER, a YoYoFactory / G-Mix design by Pisco Ouyang. The size balance emphasizes diameter rather than width and while it is light the strong h-shape provides a lot of power by design. Even from a light throw you can get nice powerful spin that lasts through tricks. Overall the shape is nimble and powerful and one of the most the most well balanced offstring yoyos we have tried.

Unique to the SkyDancer is also the spacer setup that builds both the bearing seat and response area giving added durability and making sure everything sits just right! Great offstring yoyo at a great price for beginner or advanced!

yoyofactory sky dancer yoyo

SkyDancer Specifications:
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Diameter: 77.09 mm / 3.04 inches
Width: 59.05 mm / 2.32 inches
Gap Width: 2.5 mm / .09 inches
theyight: 74.82 grams
Bearing Size: Size C (.250 x .500 x .187)
Response: CBC 19mm Slim Pads
Material: Polycarbonate
Designed in: USA
Made in: China
Released: February 2021

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