Sōchí String Alphaline
Sochi - Sochi x Zipline string collaboration!
Introducing AlphaLine, a professional grade bulk yoyo string collaboration between two passionate companies. Taking color ratios/formulas provided by ZipLine Strings and using bulk string methodology by Sochi Company, we have something that feels and performs refreshingly like a little of each brand. With beautiful colorways inspired by ZipLine's Performance Edition Blend, combined with the consistent and predictable performance from Sochi's signature string, AlphaLine will feel new yet familiar to fans of both string brands.
This 100% polyester string feels sporty without feeling as tight or ridged as typical bulk string. It has a slightly more relaxed, yet consistent torsion, and a thickness that seems to land right in the middle of ZipLine’s Performance Edition *regular and Sochi *fat. The whip speed is geared towards being quick and sporty while still being fully capable of holding steady slack formation and predictable string tension, making AlphaLine a very solid, competition worthy contender.
If you’ve played ZipLine Performance and/or Sochi Signature string you’ll feel right at home, and you might even notice something you like better about this collab string ;) Also, when you play AlphaLine, you’ll not only be using something special, but you’ll also be supporting two great companies who are dedicated to our awesome yoyo community.

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