yoyofactory 444 yoyo

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YoYoFactory - Lightweight 44g hub stack design!

The latest release from YoYoFactory pays homage to some of their most legendary models while bringing something fresh and new to the table - The 444!

YoYoFactory has had some fun experimenting with the super lightweight throws and this new yoyo pushes it eve further. The 444 remixes the classic 44 with the perennial 888 design. Yes they are Hubstacks and Yes it still is still merely 44gm and it hits way above its weight. Lots of fun on the string, and Made in the USA!

yoyofactory 444 yoyo

444 Specifications:
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Diameter: 47.76 mm / 1.88 inches
Width: 38.76 mm/ 1.53 inches
Gap Width: 4.4 mm / 0.17 inches
Weight: 44 grams
Bearing Size: Size C (.250 x .500 x .187)
Response: "Slim Pad" Size 19mm OD
Material: 6061 Aluminum
Designed in: USA
Made in: USA
Released: October 2021

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Why 5 stars?

Not a competition throw but If You want a 1A yoyo to practice all the stuff that hurts....those tricky one hand binds....regeneration of spin....mounts that may lead to an axle knot..This things light weight makes it all waaaay more forgiving...and it is the usual YoyoFactory great quality.

Fun, but NQP

I've had these for about 3 weeks now was able to get a hold of pre-release copies. They are LIGHT. Don't get me wrong, they are fun, but won't be everyone's cup of tea. There's just not enough weight on them to feel them on the string. For short, less complicated tricks, this isn't an issue. longer tricks that require momentum and spin time will suffer with these.

They bind fine, the hub stacks are a great throwback to the 888 and the old generation. We almost need the hub stacks to get a reasonable spin from this yoyo. There's just a lack of power from the throw that makes it difficult to pick up and throw. Not to say it's impossible—or a failed design—far form it. The yoyo does many things right. Because of its weight, the experience is perfect smoothness. I had to cut the string about 2 inches shorter to have the throw play comfortably. Once I did that I found myself being able to get more out of the yoyo and it played as it was designed.

It's small, will fit in the pocket, colorways are flashy, especially that copper splash, and is an interesting pick up option.

Good option for something different, 7.5/10

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