recess tropic alien yoyo

Tropic Alien
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Recess - Zafran Aqil Signature YoYo!

$ 49.99

The newest release from Recess is the pro model for 2x Malaysian National Champion Zafran Aqil - The Tropic Alien!

The Tropic Alien takes on a nice curved h-shape profile that gives it a comfortable feel in hand and plenty of power on the string. Using modern weight distribution and classic competition design elements, Tropic Alien is sure to be a favorite for competitors this season, & new staple for creators.

Zafran worked with his friend back home, Diane Tahir, to develop the artwork - an alien named Mamood. Mamood is wearing a sarung and Asian farming hat - signifying Zaf’s desire to bring his culture wherever his passion takes him!

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recess tropic alien yoyo

Tropic Alien Specifications:
Free Gift

Diameter: 56.57 mm / 2.23 inches
Width: 44.62 mm / 1.76 inches
Gap Width: 4.50 mm / 0.18 inches
Weight: 66.31 grams
Bearing Size: Size C (.250 x .500 x .187)
Response: "Slim Pad" Size 19mm OD
Material: 6061 Aluminum
Designed in: USA
Made in: China
Released: December 2021

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Ken Woodard
Smart & Cool

Something of an organic/V-shaped hybrid, this combines nice hand feel with competition-level stability and spin time. I'm working on a long, complex trick; this unit gets me just as far into the stack of elements as my titanium or my best bimetal while looking super cool and resonating with that distinct Recess vibe of skateboards, cool dockworker hats, and artistic tattoos. While not much of a 5a guy, I think this would probably work really well in concert with a counter weight and withstand the occasional hit without losing its smooth spin. Collectors or anyone looking for a well designed and robust monometal will love this.

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