GTR-JS by Duncan

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Duncan - Jonathan Sitanggang Signature Model!

From Duncan: Have you seen team member Jonathan Sitanggang’s tricks lately? I mean, COME ON. This dude plays yo-yo like a river flowing steadily through a tranquil countryside: His tricks are elegant, entrancing, yet undeniably forceful; A beautiful force of nature, graceful yet strong. The soliloquies this man’s yo-yo play inspires... It is this art in motion, this masterful play, that fueled the design process behind his new signature yo-yo: The GTR-JS.

As the name suggests, the GTR-JS used the GTR as a starting place. Jonathan, liking how the GTR meshed with his yo-yo play, saw potential in taking this already-premium yo-yo to the next level. Jonathan’s play style--remember the river analogy?--demands a highly maneuverable yet powerful yo-yo, a yo-yo to act as the river’s current in long, flowy combos, and the GTR-JS is just that. So we changed the hub and weight distribution around on the GTR to create the GTR-JS: A yo-yo that spins with great force, yet maintains full controllability and handles hard-hitting tricks with ease, allowing the yo-yo player to channel this yo-yo’s power to their wildest creative will.

Featuring the top-notch machining and assembling process of the Haymaker X, the GTR-JS is a premium product: High-quality and incredibly smooth. This yo-yo sits perfectly in hand, and is something to marvel at in and of itself as an object.

GTR-JS by Duncan

GTR-JS Specifications:
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Diameter: 55.86 mm / 2.20 inches
Width: 47.15 mm / 1.86 inches
Gap Width: 4.62 mm / 0.18 inches
Weight: 63.81 grams
Bearing Size: Size C (.250 x .500 x .187)
Response: "Slim Pad" Size 19mm OD
Material: 6061 Aluminum w/ Stainless Steel Rims
Designed in: USA
Made in: China
Released: January 2022

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Vinicius Ivankovich
Its a very nice yoyo

Its a very powerfull, light and confortable yoyo, and its very well made, the only thing is sometimes with kitty fat the binds slip a bit , but for me its a awesome 'sequel' for the grasshopper gtx

Great yo-yo!

Jonathan and Duncan really knocked it out of the park with this one. A few grams lighter than the GTR, it feels floaty but very stable and long-spinning on the string. Matte finish on the blue is really nice, and the yo-yo feels premium. Super versatile I would say, definitely recommend picking one up if you've been thinking about it!

Probably the best yo-yo I’ve played

Really love the yo-yo. Super light and wide. Makes tricks easy to catch. Exceptional for horizontal play, has great stability and can handle layers in the gap. It flows nicely on the string and makes me feel like I’m playing like Jonathan. 😂 this yo-yo is a huge step up in the right direction for yo-yo playability and it’s very fun. Would recommend to anyone as it’s an all around player. One thing to note is that the binds can be a bit slippery but I actually prefer that as my tricks usually needs less grip in the response for my multilayered elements. 10/10 would buy again

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