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yoyofriends -   Yoyofriends first Delrin model!  

$ 34.99

Yoyofriends strives to release competition level yo-yos at every price range and now they want to expand their lineup with a more fun, enjoyable, and affordable yo-yo. The Dove!

The idea was brought up by yoyofriends team member, Owen Titus, who really enjoys the feeling and characteristics of plastic yo-yos. He encouraged them to tackle this project and the YoYoFriends design team responded with a Delrin prototype that received rave reviews!

Delrin gives a unique soft plastic feel while still being able to come close to the weight distribution achieved with aluminum. The Dove has a nice curved H-shape profile with chunky rims that round down into the aluminum fingerspin hub. They kept the weight relatively low and evenly distributed for a pleasantly nimble feel in play that you just can't get with aluminum. It moves fast and smooth in play and responds to your slightest command with ease!

Named Dove for the crisp white delrin prototype and the pleasant, peaceful feeling you get from each throw!



Dove Specifications:
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Diameter: 56.22 mm / 2.21 inches
Width: 45.88 mm / 1.81 inches
Gap Width: 4.56 mm / 0.18 inches
Weight: 64.6 grams
Bearing Size: Center Trac Bearing
Response: 19mm Slim Pad Size
Axle: M4 - 10mm
Material: Machined Delrin
Designed in: China
Made in: China
Release Date: October 2019

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