Duncan Butterfly XT
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Duncan - All Affordable Beginner Bearing Yo-Yo

Looking for that great beginners yo-yo at price tag that won't break the bank? Look no further then the Butterfly XT! An exceptional way to get started with bearing yo-yos!

Great for learning the basic to intermediate tricks, and there's really no maintenance required other than changing the string when it wears out. With a throw it sleeps effortlessly on the string, returns with a slight tug, and is more than capable of performing all your favorite basic yo-yo tricks.

The redesigned Butterfly XT is easily one of the best budget model entry-level yo-yos available. It’s a bearing yo-yo with starburst response system and an added 4 grams. The additional weight and new starburst response made it so much easier for beginners to learn the most important basic tricks.

butterfly xt

Duncan Butterfly XT Specifications:
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Diameter: 56.75 mm / 2.23 inches
Width: 36.71 mm / 1.45 inches
Gap Width: 2.75 mm / .10 inches
Weight: 53.5 grams
Bearing Size: Size C (.250 x .500 x .187)
Response: Starburst Response

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Butterfly XT

this yoyo is good for beginners fi you don’t want to spend too much. I would recommend the Duncan hornet though.


great cheap yoyo

Great beginner yoyo

An excellent beginner yoyo. Only problem I have with it is, that its a little too responsive. It could just be that I'm throwing it down too hard but besides that an excellent first yoyo.

Great for modern responsive play

For the price I had to give it a try. Turns out I think it's fantastic. I found this to be a great yoyo for modern responsive type throwing (doing string tricks but only needing a tug to bring the yoyo back instead of needing a bind). Feels good holding it too. Maintenance should be simple as it has starburst response, meaning you'll never have to change pads or stickers.

My only knock on it is it could maybe use more rim weight as it can be unstable during string tricks. That said, the lack of rim weight is hardly a reason to not give this thing a try.

If you're a beginner definitely start with this yoyo. If you're looking to try modern responsive play but aren't sure you want to fork out $30+ for a responsive yoyo give this a try. If you want a yoyo that fits in your pocket and you don't care if it hits the ground when asked to "walk the dog" this is it. If after all that you still don't like it then at least you got a spare bearing for your other yoyos for cheaper than most replacement bearings cost.


writing on behalf of the new xt. literally slays. went to worlds this past year when they handed them out during the world record attempt. bought like 7 yoyos at worlds... this one was my favorite one. enjoy.

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