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Modern performance yo-yos for true competition players.
Canadian premium return top company with amazing designs and team.
Built for Champions, Like You. By Brandon Vu.
High-end Modern YoYos made in Eugene, Oregon, USA
Based in Hong Kong, C3 designs yo-yos for competition level freestyle play!
Yo-yos for beginners or professional players and competitors worldwide!
Founded by World Champion, National Champion, and general yo-yo legend - Tyler Severance.
We make yoyos. No ridiculous descriptions of the yoyo superpowers they’ll give you… because they won’t. They spin.
Basecamp isn’t a location, but a place where we all come together.
German company founded by 5 time EYYC Champion Dave Geigle
Owned and operated by world champion Hiroyuki Suzuki.
Yomega has grown from a small family business into an internationally recognized brand.
Focused on creating competition level yo-yos without the crazy price tag.
The players choice in Japan and quickly becoming the crowd favorite around the world.
Making high quality yo-yos with unique designs in the USA.
Pushing the limit of yoyo design.
Creating a collection of toys with the idea of construction & creation as play.
Founded by competitive yo-yo players who know what it takes to make a great yo-yo.
Started by three players with over 40 years combined experience in the yoyo community.
Jack-of-all-trades musician, artist, dramatic yo-yoist, and video game designer-wizard.
World Champion Paul Yath created Crucial to share his expertise with the world.
One of the major pioneers in unresponsive play producing high end aluminum yo-yos.
Born of a passion for the hobby and a drive to spread yo-yoing!
Quality products, great community involvement, and manufactured in the USA.
Stunning anodization making true masterpieces of art.
A Japanese yo-yo company specializing in high performance offstring yo-yos.
Top notch anodization and unique high performance designs.
Making handcrafted wooden fixed axle yo-yos out of Houston, Texas.
Premium Italian yo-yo manufacturing company owned by Carlo Menon.
Performance is the combination of design and execution.
Japan based yo-yo manufacturer utilizing innovative new materials.
Local MA company is owned and operated by Nick Gumlaw & Dan Dietz.
Unique by design and comic book story!
Striving to create, produce, and distribute high quality wooden toys that exceed expectations.
Japanese based yo-yo company creating amazingly designed masterpieces.
Unparalleled is a brand that focuses on shaping the future of the yoyo scene.
Producing some of the best beginner to advanced yo-yos on the market - Made in the USA.
High-end American made yo-yos designed by two serious yo-yo enthusiasts.
Taiwan's first high-end yo-yo company.
New company run by a young yo-yo enthusiast making some great yo-yos in the USA.
Mixing fixed axle play with modern performance.
Utilizing local talent, equipment, and materials to create high quality yo-yos in Chico, CA.
Collectors. Sponsors. Makers.
Made in the USA with a focus on precision manufacturing and competitive performance.
Brothers from Virginia who share a passion for woodworking, design, photography, & yo-yos.
Created by two national champions inspired by Chinese culture and design.
A small but growing manufacturer based out of Vancouver, BC Canada.
Often hailed as the father of the modern yo-yo.
China based company with a focus on form and function.
Designing high quality yo-yos to fit any style.
Innovative offstring yo-yo designs.
Combining yo-yo with fashion, popular culture, and a collection of artistic values.
Responsible for making the brightest light-up yo-yos we have ever seen.
Marcus Koh signature model.
A limited edition collection undertaken by French National Champion Hadrien Bennaceur.
Excellent top performing yo-yos with a cool theme.
Singapore's first yo-yo company created by competitive yo-yo players.
Established with the intent of creating professional yo-yos at beginner prices.
Unique designs that perform at the highest level.
Founded by two German yo-yo enthusiasts striving to create yo-yos of the highest quality.
Founded by Ian Cole to combine his passions of architectural design and yo-yos.
Regulus 2!
Run by a mechanical engineering student from Washington designing great yo-yos.
Producing some amazing yo-yos out of Atlanta, Georgia.
California based yo-yo company.
Korean based manufacturer offering great yo-yos at an affordable price.
Making fun high performance yo-yos based in Kansas City.
Precision machined & tested extensively in the USA
One of the companies that emerged during the late 90's yo-yo boom.
Unique yo-yos with a fun story!
Premium yo-yo company based in Singapore, founded by World Champion Marcus Koh.
The first official high end yo-yo brand from France.
Creating a new line of yo-yos for the modern yo-yo player.
High quality yo-yos designed by World Champion Daisuke Shimada.
Founded in 2010 by Malaysian national champion Muhammad Shakeel Mohd Rose
High quality strings and response pads.
Yo-yo strings for top level performance.
Unique long lasting nylon string with a really bouncy and whippy feel.
Great variety of high end string
The string of choice for professional players around the world.
Wide variety of high quality handmade yo-yo strings.
Premium Yo-Yo String made by hand in California!
Designed and assembled in Boulder, Colorado!
Glow Sticks designed to fit your favorite yo-yo.
Some of the best selling yo-yo response available. Made by hand in Japan.
Unique holsters handmade from durable paracord in a variety of cool colors.
Creating engaging DVDs and shirts designed by the yo-yo community.
High performance yo-yo bearings and accessories.
Yo-yo accessory company founded by 6 time National Champion Bryan Figueroa
If you live outside Japan and have played kendama, it is almost surely because of KendamaUSA.
Spreading the benefits and gratification that Kendama can provide through the culture it creates.
Reimagining the kendama with unique designs and different materials.
Deal with it.
Spreading the joy of Kendama to the world from Denver, CO.
The standard for competition level kendama play.
Competition certified kendamas.
Fun spin tops with a cool theme.
Mini pin tops with big performance.
High performance spin tops at great prices.
This Italian based company offers some of the finest spin tops available.
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