first word throw strap

First Word Design Throw-Strap
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First Word - Hand Made to Fit Your Yo-Yo and Your Style

This is the First Word Design throw-strap! Designed and assembled in Boulder, CO with a simple wooden bead and metal clasp. They're easy to use and have a clean look we absolutely love!

First Word were actually Kendama players introduced to the yo-yo scene and decided to make their on holders:

"In designing the throw-strap we thought about both superior functionality and creative style. Not only did we want to make a supreme and useful product but we strived for a professional and unique look. Taking inspiration from kendama and yoyo holsters has allowed for a blend of a sleek appearance and unparalleled functionality. The First Word Design throw-strap is an extension of your lifestyle."

Each bead is slightly unique. Available in limited batches. Yo-Yo Sold Separately.

first word throw strap

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Unexpectedly good quality holder

For 10 dollars this is a very simple no-frills holder. Before I got it, I thought the bead would be loose and not hold the yo-yo well. When I tried it on my throw, the bead surprisingly has a strong grip on the strap. It's very secure, and the hardware seems to be heavy duty as well. Definitely worth the buy in terms of value.


I used this holster nearly every day for YEARS. I wore it at work, wore it on dates, wore it to church, wore it to Mexico. Wore it at my wedding and wore it when I got divorced. I can't recommend it enough if you're looking for a holster. It does its job perfectly, doesn't look garish or gimmicky, and is incredibly sturdy. Unfortunately, after years of constant use, it wore out and the clip separated from the rest of the product. Thankfully, when it broke I was wearing a plastic "beater" throw (the antidote) so no harm was done when it hit the ground. I was elated to find that this product is still available and I'll think I'll buy two this time so I'm set for the next decade.
Also the price is bonkers, I didn't remember how much it was and I was expecting to spend at least double this to replace it.

Madison Valley
10/10 yayayayaya

Great Quality

Great Price (Seriously how aren't these $20+ especially compared to other yoyo holders)

I mean just look at it. Thing is solid.

Best Yoyo Holster Ever!

The "First World Holder" is by far my favorite yoyo holster (or holder). I have bought every kind & nearly every brand of yoyo holster from the leather pouches Yomega and Tom Kuhn used to make (which can fall off your belt never to been seen again :disappointed:) to the stretchy ones which stretch out break easily, to the beautifully handcrafted but kind of big spiked leather strap ones which were made by a member of the forum and used to be sold here, anyway out of all of them the First World is the most convenient, longest lasting (for under $20), the easiest to use and all around best holster so long as you only want to carry 1 AVERAGE SIZED yoyo. If you play 2a or 3a I would suggest getting 2 (its cheaper than re-buying a 2 yoyo stretchy one every six months). If on the other hand you wish to carry a large 4A throw you can still get a First World Holder but you will need to modify it (For instructions on how to do so feel free to contact me at [****] just make the subject "Yoyo holster mod?" and I'll get back to you as soon as I can). Your only other choice as far as I know is to A) Buy a stretchy one (most of which are crappy and fall apart after a week or a few months if you're lucky) or B) Carry your yoyo in your purse/backpack. My point is the First World works great (quickly stowe/retrieve your throw) lasts long (I've had mine for 3 years+ of constant use) and is affordable ($8.50 +s&h) making it my favorite yoyo holster ever.

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