yoyorecreation SYFO yoyo

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yoyorecreation - Second YoYo From Oregon!

$ 139.99

Yoyorecreation presents their Second YoYo From Oregon - The SYFO!

Created with a focus of combining nostalgic feel with new trends, the SYFO is not your average YYR competition design. By exploring the beauty and potential of a single material, YYR arrived at a hybrid spec with a smaller diameter, a wider width, and a heavier weight. This combination, paired with a nice rounded profile, just screams casual play and comfort in all the right ways!

The SYFO brings the same high level of quality and performance you expect from YYR to a model designed for smooth flowing combos. It's a welcome change of pace that fits nicely in the ever expanding Yoyorecreation lineup!

SYFO by Yoyorecreation

yoyorecreation syfo yoyo

yoyorecreation SYFO yoyo

SYFO Specifications:
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Diameter: 53.00 mm / 2.09 inches
Width: 44.00 mm / 1.73 inches
Gap Width: 4.50 mm / 0.18 inches
Weight: 68.5 grams
Bearing Size: Size C (.250 x .500 x .187)
Response: "Slim Pad" Size 19mm OD
Material: Aluminum
Designed in: Japan
Made in: USA
Released: November 2021

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Competition Organic?

My first Yoyorecreation just happened to be their Second Yoyo From Oregon. Fitting, since I imagine the SYFO would be the result of crossing a Panorama with a Draupnir.

First off, big thanks to Diego Berini whose excellent review introduced me to the SYFO. I'd seen a number of Yoyorecreation yoyos, but never got one as I thought they were overpriced. When I saw the SYFO was manufactured by One Drop I figured that at least justified a higher price tag. I was right... the second time. Their yoyos are incredible.

The SYFO blew me away from the first throw. It has this competitive ease I'd only previously seen in the Miracle; at the same time it has that super chill fun vibe I got from the Diorama. It's super easy to catch the string, yet its smaller size also makes it easier for tighter tech tricks. It has a ton of spin time, even compared to full size yoyos, and the finish is silky smooth. I'm not sure, but it feels a lot like One Drop's Pyramatte coating, which I love. For me it grinds super nice, and the extended rim is perfect for talon grinds. Oh yeah, and it was the first non-finger-spin-cup yoyo I was able to consistently finger spin and DNA.

Yoyorecreation knocked it way outta the park with the SYFO. It solidified the idea that, with some brands at least, you really do get what you pay for. I suspect a lot of people see the price tag and think "no way" for a monometal. Let me assure you, the SYFO is worth every penny.

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