Surveillance Max
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MOWL - Daiki Tanaka Signature YoYo!

The #mowls series, particularly the popular Surveillance yo-yo, has undergone continuous expansion and evolution, delighting numerous players. In anticipation of its 5th anniversary, Mowl is proud to introduce Surveillance Max, the latest addition to their lineup.

The journey from Surveillance 2.0 to Surveillance Max has been a meticulous process. Recognizing the demand for wider yo-yos, mowl ambassador Daiki Tanaka spearheaded the idea for Surveillance Max. Initially explored with the Vigilancia prototype, the wider design faced challenges in maintaining spinning power. However, insights gained from this attempt were instrumental in shaping Surveillance Max.

Surveillance Max, boasting a width approximately 2mm greater than its predecessor at 44.65mm, represents the pinnacle of the #mowls series. This wider profile enhances stability while accommodating contemporary competitive demands. Notably, the new design amplifies success in dynamic tricks, enhancing the repertoire of players like Daiki Tanaka.

In adapting to the wider design, the thumb grind spot underwent a transformation. The traditional spot gave way to a circular area near the rim joint, seamlessly integrated into the design of Surveillance Max. Meanwhile, an expanded outer rim enhances rotation and stability, elevating the yo-yo's performance to new heights.

In essence, Surveillance Max embodies the evolution of the #mowls series, promising an exhilarating yo-yo experience for enthusiasts and competitors alike.

Surveillance Max Specifications:
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Diameter: 55.70 mm / 2.19 inches
Width: 44.80 mm / 1.76 inches
Gap Width: 4.50 mm / 0.18 inches
Weight: 65.4 grams
Bearing Size: Size C (.250 x .500 x .187)
Response: "Slim Pad" Size 19mm OD
Material: 7075 with Stainless Steel Rings
Designed in: Japan
Released: January 2024


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