Sōchí String
Sochi - Premium Yo-Yo String.
Sōchí was founded when Luckey Li realized that he needed better, yet cheaper equipment as a competitor. AS a 5-time Canadian National Champion he knows a bit about yoyoing and for a while the idea of starting his own equipment brand sat in the back of his mind, without being acted upon. During the winter season of 2018, Josef Chung, a friend of Luckey’s, came to visit him. Luckey presented the idea and asked if it was a good one or not. The answer was obvious, and Sochi was born.
This is our signature string. It’s somewhere in between normal and soft string, leaning more towards the soft side. This string lasts a significant amount of time for a bulk string, and holds tension very well. It handles anything you throw at it, speed combos won’t burn your hands, and slack tricks form easily. It’s just good string. We’re very impressed with it, and we hope you will be too.

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