Rapid Ball Counterweight
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Duncan -   Cool new Counterweight for 5A!    

$ 4.99

Ready to learn a new style of play?! Counterweight, also known as Freehand, also known as 5A, uses a dice or ball attached to the end of your yo-yo string instead of attaching the string to your finger. This cool style allows you to "let go" completely and perform tricks a completely new way.

The new Duncan Rapid Ball is a fun new counterweight design from Duncan. It is a textured round plastic ball with a string groove around the outside and a hole through the middle. Attach the string by securing it around the string groove or looping it through the hole like a traditional counterweight.


rapid ball 

Rapid Ball Counterweight Specifications:
Free Gift

Rapid Ball: 10.7g

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Good counterweight

Good counterweight. I thought as it was a ball counterweight it was rubber like the other Duncan ones but it’s just plastic. Good counterweight, not the material I expected though.

Anthony Castillo
One of my favorite counterweights.

I honestly think the design is brilliant. Being able to just thread the slipknot over these just like your finger allows you to switch between 1A and 5A super quick, without having to fiddle with beads or threading the string through a hole is super convenient!

Good weight, and no rough edges to catch your knuckle or leave bruises! If you have to pick a single hard-CW, this one is it.

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