one drop aitch yoyo

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One Drop YoYos - H-Shape design with Side Effects!

From One Drop: The H (Aitch) shape yo-yo seems to be under-represented. Even if you look at One Drop history, the H is rare. When we have done it (Benchmark Series) in the past, we kept it only mildly H. We decided that it was time to do a proper H shape.

The main idea of it being “proper H” is that the profile would need to be as extreme as possible without compromising how it played. The diameter is on the large side at 55.88mm. In order to make everything work, it needed to be a touch on the narrow side in relation to the diameter: the width is 39.62mm. We also wanted it to have Side Effects and to ship with a new style which is the Mini Spike. We feel like we achieved the goals and hope you agree.

one drop aitch yoyo

one drop aitch yoyo

Aitch Specifications:
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Diameter: 55.88 mm / 2.20 inches
Width: 39.62 mm / 1.56 inches
Gap Width: 4.32 mm / 0.17 inches
Weight: 64.40 grams
Bearing Size: Size C (.250 x .500 x .187)
Response: One Drop Standard Flow Groove Pads
Material: 6061 Aluminum
Designed in: USA
Made in: USA
Released: December 2021

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
H is for HARD

I really like One Drop. I really don't like the Aitch. It's not that I dislike it, I just don't like it. I guess I'm sort of indifferent to it. I can play it just fine. I land some tricks, do a few combos, do some trick binds, then I put it down and pick up something else and start having fun.

The Aitch doesn't want you to succeed. Where most modern yoyos have varying amounts of "wiggle room" to sorta help you along with your tricks, the Aitch just kinda sits there taunting you. Tricks you thought you'd mastered fail hard on this yoyo. Maybe that's how it's supposed to be with an H-shaped yoyo, but I have a few other H's that I absolutely love to play.

I think One Drop just went a little too far with the Aitch. They said it was "extreme" and "uncompromising," and they weren't kidding. If feel like you have to have one I would recommend at least swapping out the bearing for a Pixel or Center Track. They'll make it at least playable.

Ken Woodard
Distinct--plays light

Normally a fan of organics for casual play, I picked this up to add some variety to my collection and because One Drop's quality control and machining precision is, as far as I can tell from comparison to my other yo-yos, matched by few and exceeded by none. I like it, but for a player at my level (intermediate/advanced), it is unforgiving of imprecise throws and hesitant string management. This would be a good choice for an expert bored with the currently dominant bi-metal V design and interested in a cool alternative that will hold them accountable to crisply exacting trick execution. I wish it had some more rim weight and a bit more width, but such changes would violate the undoubtably deliberate design precepts that One Drop built into this unusual shape. Who am I to question masters of yo-yo concept and execution?

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