Cyber Crash
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C3yoyodesign - C3 Crash Series!

The latest edition to the C3yoyodsign Crash series has arrived - The Cyber Crash!

The Cyber Crash is a high performance budget throw. This mono-metal model is machined from 6061 aluminum with a weight distribution that mimics the bi-metal rim weight of the Gamma/Atomic Crash. It's lightweight and agile, but with plenty of power to get through your longest combos.

If you have played with the previous members of the Crash Series you'll definitely feel the soul and inspiration from the previous models embodied into a new, powerful, and refreshing throw!

Cyber Crash by C3YoYoDesign

c3yoyodesign cyber crash

cyber crash

Cyber Crash Specifications:
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Diameter: 57.00 mm / 2.24 inches
Width: 43.00 mm / 1.69 inches
Gap Width: 4.66 mm / 0.18 inches
Weight: 63.72 grams
Bearing Size: Size C (.250 x .500 x .187)
Response: 19mm Slim Pad Size
Material: 6061 Aluminum
Designed in: Hong Kong
Made in: Hong Kong
Release Date: October 2019

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Gregory McKervey
"The weight distribution is one of the best for the price"

The yo-yo feels great, has amazing quality, and great weight distribution; I tried c3 for the first time after trying a few other major brands and this one is one of the better brands.

Liam K
New competition yoyo

This thing plays like a beast on the string when used for tech elements and slack combos. I also got the gold with blue color and honestly that just makes it 10 times better

Zaze P
Cyber crash thoughts...

This yo-yo is outstanding for the price, surprisingly a bit lighter than I thought... but she really moves on the string, nice control and pretty stable too. Went through all my combos no problem. Awesome job on this cyber crash! Great colors, great price, great throw!

Ian Henriksen
It's Fantastic

This yoyo is just phenomenal. I bought one recently and was immediately surprised by how smooth and how stable it is. It's astonishing how well it retains its stability during long combos. I love the finish and color scheme on mine too. On top of that, it does all of this for only $35. After having played with mine for a bit, I'd be happy to recommend it even if the price had been higher. As it stands, this is a fantastic deal. This yoyo easily competes with other options that far more expensive. I highly recommend it.

Ben Garrison
Best $30 ever spent

This yoyo is fast when you want. long spinning. Stable. fun. Binds are very good. After a ton of use it tends to slip some but not much. It is the best 30 dollar yoyo i think. And mid range budget metal. I think it out performs a shutter. It can handle horizontal very nice. Tech is very nice as well. Speed is wonderful. Its just an amazing yoyo. And i could see people using it for competitions

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