ColosSus by TopYo

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Top Yo - TopYo X SUS YOYO MECHANICS collaboration!

In Stock: 14
$ 39.99

This yoyo is a collaboration between TopYo and SUS YOYOMECHANICS - The Colos-SUS!

The Colossus is the flagship of Top Yo's lineup, and SUS is here to tweak the specs to draw the best performance out of this collaboration model. The challenge was to keep similar shape and specs with a substantial power up, a great play-feel that is both vigorous and responsive to your commands.

Following through on a collaboration prototype from the 2019 Japan Nationals, this refined ColosSUS is now available as a special edition for JN 2021.

The earlier model informed the direction of the Colos-SUS, but they've refined it further, combining specs from the ColossusV and ColossusVI, to find an excellent balance that shows off the capabilities of TopYo.

They're finally satisfied with the results, after just one round, with just the right balance of power and obedience; the play-feel gives a great sense of presence in the hand. The naming is just a fun pun, but also reflects that this yo-yo really steps on the gas, and really puts the divine into your hand!

ColosSUS by TopYo

topyo colossus sus yoyo mechanics

Colos-SUS Specifications:
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Diameter: 55.00 mm / 2.17 inches
Width: 43.40 mm / 1.71 inches
Gap Width: 4.60 mm / 0.18 inches
Weight: 65.80 grams
Bearing Size: Size C (.250 x .500 x .187)
Response: "Slim Pad" Size 19mm OD
Material: 7003 Aluminum
Designed in: China
Made in: China
Released: January 2022

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

Yo-yo Experts are on top of their game, as always! Ordered this in early December, and due to the Canada postal strike, I didn't think it was coming on time for Christmas, but it arrived on Christmas Eve! Thanks to Yo-yo Experts for prompt shipping of a beautiful yo-yo. I'm the gifter, not the player, but I'm told it "has a nice weight, good throw, smooth and plays nice on the string." EOShea

Yep it rips

First colossus model I've tried and it's very impressive! Great feeling and performing throw

Ken Woodard
Outstanding Monometal

A long spinner with excellent stability, this hangs in there with many of my bi-metals that cost three or four times more. There's nothing particularly novel or distinct about it, but it is testimony to the efficacy of bringing a lot of smart and subtle design decisions together in one throw. Ideal for anyone looking for an EDC capable of almost anything a qualified thrower would ask of it. I prefer it to my regular Colossus because of the SUS's slightly beefier rim weight. The red has a gorgeous matte finish that represents its play personality perfectly.

Shawn S.
What a champ!

This collaboration with Japan SUS is equivalent to a regular shutter vs the JDS model. In other words, this is the best version of the Colossus series to date! Pros:
--Glossy surface between the pads to help reduce string friction. Acts the same at the YFF Damage with delrin.
--Higher grade aluminum for a nice EDC and absorbs damage better.
--Nice weight, catchability, and comfort
--Long spinning
--Nice whistling sound when spun, which is common in Top yo's brands

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