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YoYoFactory Axles
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YoYoFactory - Replacement Axles for Your YoYoFactory Yo-Yos

$ 1.99
These are replacement axles for your YoYoFactory yo-yos.

Flea: Mighty Flea, Big Deal

8mm MVP, BOSS, SuperNova LITE, SuperNova, Proton, New SuperStar, Space Cowboy, Horizon, Aviator 2, Too Hot

10mm 44, 44 Special, 2010-2012 Superstar, Skyline, DNA, H.O.T., Equilateral, Shutter, POPStar, Cypher, Aluminum Dream, Edge, Marco

12mm Genesis, Hubstack Genesis, DV888, Yuuksta, Super G, Rockstar 2012, Catalyst, Chaotic, Lunatic, Severe, Hectic, Protege, Avant Garde

20mm 888, G5 (post 2007), Skyline (pre 2010), C13, Speed Dial

25mm Protostar, Northstar, Grind Machine, Counter Attack, Die Nasty

Grind Machine Posts are sold in Pairs and are meant to replace the metal posts in the Grind Machine only (the metal part where the axle screws into).

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