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General-Yo Response Pads
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General Yo - For your Hatrick and other Yo-Yos

Thick Textured - Gen Pad (.555 Size)
In Stock: 10
$ 3.00
These are replacement response pads for both your General-Yo yo-yos and other brands.

General-Yo uses a special aerospace silicone that lasts much longer than standard silicone, and the binds are spot on.

Choose your size from the traditional 555 size for your vintage yoyos, to the hat-pad (20mm) for many of the General-Yo models to stacking them in CLYW and others.

The Gen-19 pads fit in the latest General-Yo throw, and will fit in most yoyos that take 19mm pads.

Discover the difference with General-Yo's aerospace technology!

These are all sold in pairs.

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