yoyo string lab nytro

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YoYoStringLab -   Hit the NYTRO switch and give your play a boost!    

$ 8.99

In the depths of their secret string laboratory, YoYoStringLab has been experimenting and developing a brand new formula. One that people have been requesting for years, and it is finally ready to share - NYTRO!

Nytro is a Nylon/Polyester string blend built for performance and longevity. It has a super soft feel on the hands with a slight slickness. It cuts through the air with ease for speedy whips and moves fast even though it doesn’t have the heavy feel that some Nylon is known for. And these are probably the longest lasting String Lab strings to date!

2 packs come packaged in a custom machined metal capsule and 5 pack refills are available whenever you need a restock. Get your NYTRO bottle and buckle in for fun!

yoyo string lab nytro

yoyo string lab nytro

yoyo string lab nytro

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